Monster Media 1994 #3
Monster Media No. 3 (Monster Media)(1994).ISO
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File List
152 lines
A_URD100.ZIP 46974 10-30-94 Act Of Impulse User Registration door.
| Export filled in data to file, netmail &
| usersbase.
BATSV120.ZIP 399376 10-25-94 BBS Activity Tracking System v1.20.
BBSRPT12.ZIP 62451 12-14-94 Log file processor. Produces reports &
| graphs from logs.
BD_RA201.ZIP 28806 11-01-94 Birth v2.01. Birthday List Generator.
| Creates a Monthly, Daily, and Complete
| Birthday Listings in ANSI and ASCII
| formats! - Monthly Listing is in
| Chronological Order.
BESTL105.ZIP 28923 09-18-94 BestList v1.05. FileBase utility to create
| detailed list of most downloaded files
| from the system.
CDROM03.ZIP 11199 11-14-94 CDROM Update v0.3beta. Mounts and
| dismounts CDs from the filebase.
| Automatically detects which CDs are in
| which CDROM drives, and updates the
| filebase and paths accordingly.
CIDPH200.ZIP 101794 12-05-94 CIDPhone v2.00. Checks authenticity of
| User's phone numbers with one provided
| by the phone company.
CNUM190G.ZIP 13031 11-10-94 CallNo v1.90. Create BIG caller number
| ANSI/ASCII to display on RA.
| Multi-line, logging, better number
| tracking.
DOOR_HLP.ZIP 2914 09-14-94 Text help file for running door programs
| with RemoteAccess using one (1) DOOR.BAT
| file.
FDHH_11.ZIP 11809 12-04-94 FrontDoor Historical Humans v1.1. Reads
| LASTCALL.BBS, adds info to FD Inbound
| History file and More.
FETORA02.ZIP 39487 10-25-94 FE to RA v0.2. Converts FastEcho Rev 5
| config into RA 2.x config. Full access
| to all FastEcho and RemoteAccess options
| simply by a text-based config file.
FGEN100.ZIP 40519 10-29-94 FileGen v1.00. All-/New-/GroupFiles
| generator. Many Features.
FMRAC262.ZIP 18520 10-26-94 Change uploader name in RAFDB, or set D/L
| counters to 0.
IBANKV05.ZIP 113632 11-18-94 IceBank v0.50. Deluxe Time/Kbyte Bank
| System.
ICHATV38.ZIP 160468 11-21-94 IceChat v3.80. Deluxe SysOp-User Chat
| Utility.
IEDITV11.ZIP 107894 11-21-94 IceEdit v1.10. Deluxe Full Screen ANSI
| Message Editor.
INOTEV06.ZIP 77253 11-18-94 IceNote v0.60. Note to all Users Door.
INQUIS21.ZIP 42471 12-10-94 Retrieves FILE_ID.DIZ/DESC.SDI. Finds size
| info in graphics/sound files. Plays
| VOC/WAV, more!
LANG_202.ZIP 166416 11-24-94 17 different language files. Languages
| ranging from Bronx to Weird!
LWBULL21.ZIP 49829 09-21-94 LWBULL v2.1. Bulletin/News door, shows
| users what news/bulletin files have been
| updated since their last logon. Can be
| used multiple times for showing any
| files. Supports most RA 2.0x codes (now
| including RA's color codes!).
LW_MGR12.ZIP 344007 09-21-94 Complete RA Editor, inc. User, Menu, File,
| Language, Text, RAConfig & many DOS
| services!
MBRA105.ZIP 73583 11-29-94 MailBox v1.05. Searches HUDSON and JAM
| message areas for mail addressed to
| Sysop, Sysop Name and Handle. Creates a
| report, and optionaly a netmail message.
MBRPT200.ZIP 7422 11-28-94 MessageBase Reporter v2.00. Sends a list
| of all active message base names to the
| printer on LPT1, along with Hudson
| indication or JAM path/name information
| and message area type (Local, Echo,
| Netmail, Internet or Newsgroup).
MCBEST10.ZIP 49248 11-07-94 McBest v1.0. Statistics Bulletin
| Generator. Configure the number of
| elements to show in the bulletins from 1
| to the Top 100 of each catagory.
MTAC_102.ZIP 43584 11-25-94 MTAC v1.02. Message To All Callers Door.
| Now with MultiNode Capabilities.
MWIZ3G1.ZIP 111594 11-16-94 MenuWiz v3.00G1. The Best menu editor.
OLMS200.ZIP 361654 11-01-94 Offline Mail System v2.0. Amazing
| QWK/QWKE/BlueWave mail door for
| RemoteAccess 2.x.Includes keyword and
| filtering scans. Supports QWK nets
| Autoconfig shortlists, duplicate check
| Taglines, sysop forced/blocked, retear
| file requesting,
Q_A4RA_8.ZIP 87753 10-06-94 Questions & Answers. How to setup many
| programs, ie.
| UUCP, Multinode, etc.
RA2GIGO2.ZIP 10303 10-16-94 RA2GIGO - Reads your user list, and
| creates a users .cfg file for GIGO. This
| allows automatic bouncing of any
| incoming Internet email, that was
| improperly addressed.
RA2T_101.ZIP 198956 10-27-94 Ra 2 tag! v1.01. File Tagging door with
| excellent CD-ROM support even if a CD is
| not online!
RADCD102.ZIP 83485 12-02-94 RA Dropped Carrier Detector v1.02. Posts
| msg to caller who drops carrier.
RAFDLC16.ZIP 40227 12-02-94 Last Caller Programs. Transfers Last
| Caller Info between the two. Both
| programs included.
RAMAG10.ZIP 114669 09-23-94 Magazine Door v1.0. ReadRoom, Flatfile &
| its own Magazine format. Reader &
| TOC2MAG converter included.
RAMRC001.ZIP 8654 09-05-94 Chop off unused MESSAGES.RA entries above
| your highest used area. Quick, simple
| and easy to use.
RATICK22.ZIP 21886 10-29-94 Ratick v2.2. Tic file processor. Reads the
| TIC file, moves the files to designated
| directory, then calls RAFile to import
| the descriptions from the TIC file into
| RAFile Database.
RATLC200.ZIP 234381 11-11-94 Ultra-Teleconference v2.00. Comfortable &
| easy to use online-user Multi-node chat
| program.
RAUA020B.ZIP 11832 09-24-94 Announces to all nodes when a user logs on
| or off your system! Now respects Hidden
| flag.
RAV110.RAR 77427 10-29-94 Remote Archive Viewer v1.1. Online archive
RAVIP101.ZIP 62767 12-02-94 VIP Caller Detector v1.0. Scans RA log,
| and VIP.CTL, writes a message to sysop
| if a VIP caller logged on. Report of
| callers activities.
RTOOL116.ZIP 140999 09-11-94 Rudy's Place Tools Release 1.16.
| Collection of Sysop tools that are used
| on Rudy's Place BBS.
RUTIL100.ZIP 63427 12-15-94 R_Utils v1.00. Free disk space, flag
| setting, File/Msg - Group/Area setting,
| Total Call set, Events lister, and More!
SHOP210.ZIP 467173 12-04-94 TeleShopping-Door. Multi-bbs/language,
| ANSI/RIP support, dBASE III/IV
| compatible and many other features.
SLINE200.ZIP 161812 11-04-94 SuperLine v2.00. Users post one-liners for
| others to read at logon. Menu driven cfg
| w/mouse support, word filter.
S_NWS407.ZIP 115991 10-11-94 Super News v4.07. The Best News Maker.
| Makes 5 Styles of ANSI & ASCII Screens,
| with simultaneous printer output!
TABSRA12.ZIP 105055 11-27-94 TabsRA v1.2. Validate the Tabs SID and
| update caller's security level, Exp.
| Date, Flags, Group, Credits.
TODAYS10.ZIP 22545 09-16-94 Best Little Today's Caller Door v1.0.
TOPS3.ZIP 35711 10-23-94 Top`s v3.00. Top Users List Maker will
| create Top Downloaders, Top Kb's
| Downloaders, Top Uploaders.
VBOX200.ZIP 38826 11-11-94 VoteBox v2.00. Up to 10,000 topics for
| users to vote on, zero maintenance,
| Sysop edit/kill booths. Graphic results
| and more!